Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Welcome to the blog for the Tacoma Lakes Quilters of Litchfield, Maine. We are a chapter of the larger state guild, Pine Tree Quilters, and we meet twice monthly at a local church in Litchfield. Our membership currently consists of 28 members of all skill levels, and we welcome new members. We try to plan a variety of demonstrations and workshops throughout the year to inspire and engage our members to explore the world of quilting.

As Margo and I have time to work on the blog, we'll be adding some links in the sidebar for a calendar of events and for the refreshments list, along with whatever else we can think of. If there are things you'd like to see on the blog, please let us know.

Thank you for visiting!


Barb D said...

Great job ladies!!! Love it!

Beth French said...

Margo told me about the TL blog, so I stopped by. Fun to see all that you are doing!

Anonymous said...

You ladies have out done
yourself. Great info and
fantastic photos.
Carol G