Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mystery Quilt Tip #3

Tip #3 - Check your templates.

Somewhere along the line in the reproduction process, the dimensions of the template in Part 2 were skewed so that it is incorrect on some of the copies that were distributed. The dimensions of the short sides of that triangle unit should measure 3-7/8". If they don't, you can either correct your copy or you can make a new one.

To make a new one, cut a paper square measuring 3-7/8" x 3-7/8". You do not need to use freezer paper. Cut the square in half diagonally.

Measure up 1-5/16" from the longest side of your template, and draw a line.

Now you have an accurate template to cut out the triangle units from the strip set you'll be making.

You may also need to cut your strips slightly wider than Barb's directions. You can add 1/8" to Barb's dimensions. In other words, you could cut your light strips 1-3/4" wide and your dark strips 1/5/8" wide. When I made my first block, my strips were a bit skimpy, so I cut them wider.

I used an alternate method when I built these units for the rest of my blocks. Barb's method of sewing two strips together and cutting out the triangles is probably faster, but she indicated there is waste in the process. I didn't want the waste, so I cut all my pieces separately for each of the 12 units I had left to make after my first block.

For the dark side of the triangle unit, I cut a strip 1-5/8" wide, then used my template to cut out the sections I needed. I like to make things a little larger, then square them up after the unit is pieced, so I allowed a little extra beyond the width of my template.

Also, with Barb's method of cutting triangles out of a strip set, the edges of both sides of the pieced triangle unit are bias edges, which can stretch if you're not careful. There's nothing you can do about the bias edges on the dark colored piece, but I realized I could cut half square triangles for the light colored pieces, thereby eliminating the bias on two edges.

So for the light colored pieces, I cut squares 2-1/2" x 2-1/2", then cut them in half diagonally once.

Sewing a bunch of these units goes pretty quickly if you chain piece them. Press to the dark side.

Then you can place the template on your sewn pieces, lining up the line you drew on the template with the seam line in the piecing, and trim.

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