Thursday, January 5, 2023

Quilting ideas for 2023

Leanne won our BOM raffle blocks. Spring was the theme and pink and pastels were suggested. 

 What are your quilting goals for 2023? Do you make whatever strikes your fancy at the moment or do you plan ahead with specific patterns in mind? Don't forget that our blog is a wonderful source of inspiration. Show and Tell at every meeting and you can scroll back through the years to get ideas, too. I'm sure anyone in our group would be happy and flattered to help you make something they brought to a meeting. 

Sue brought her Christmas quilt called Ribbon Candy by Doug Leko. She said the top was made all with scraps and the quilting pattern is also called Ribbon Candy. Sweet!

Barb brought along her version of Ribbon Candy, too. She wanted us to tell her if she should finish it. We gave her a resounding YES vote. 

Anne bought her vest and scarf at a thrift shop. Don't you love those buttons? So of course, she had to make a dress. Anne has made so many dresses lately that she improvised with this one and made her own pattern. She giving us a twirl here!

Sharon made this beautiful tree skirt with embroidered squares her cousin gave her. It must have been beautiful under the tree. I'm sure she will enjoy it for years to come. 

Leanne took a class at Mystic Maine where she learned how to make this Hunter Star Quilt. Elly will be demonstrating how to use the Hunter Star ruler at next month's meeting at Tacoma. The ruler is one of Deb Tucker's Studio 180 collection. Great colors, sure to make someone happy.

Oh my goodness, Meliss made the most beautiful "Long Time Gone" quilt that I've ever seen. I may have to study this picture some more. Pattern by Jen Kingwell who will be at Maine Quilts this summer. I hope Meliss puts this in the show so Jen can see it! Bravo, Meliss!

Meliss won the "Winter" theme blocks at December's BOM raffle. Nicely balanced layout. Wouldn't this make a cheery wall hanging for those cold winter months? 

I made a little caroler doll for Christmas. She is made out of red plaid wool that a friend gave me (I only have quilting cotton). She is holding her sheet music. I should have asked Anne W. if she could read the music, maybe it is not a Christmas carol after all. I'm going to concentrate some of my quilting time to doll making in 2023. I still have some UFOs to work on and I want to make some monthly mini quilts. And, and, and....oh how these projects pile up!

Happy New Year!

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