Tacoma quilters had their Christmas party today. The weather promised to be a challenge but
that did not stop over 25 women carrying hot dishes, desserts, presents and more presents.
We arrived excited greeting one another with Merry Christmas.These pictures are just shots to give you a flavor of our luncheon.Of course I love having a picture of our Pres. Barb who puts so much into our group with freshideas. She made each one of a Santa to hang on our tree. She is so creative. She modeled her stocking and I could not resist a photo. And of course, we all had a good laugh. Thanks Barb for all you do to make our group a success...Of course there are many others that put a lot into it. All of us working together.

Gifts galore for those who brought a gift to exchange. Sandy read a story and we each had a word and when that was spoken we could pick a gift. It was amazing how the gifts were perfect for each person.

Circle at another angle.

These were the wrapped gifts.

This was what I got ...an apple pie....plus a piece of Christmas fabric and a tree ornament.

This is the Hor Dourves table. We had wonderful food as always.

Desserts of all kinds.

This is secret sister gifts...we give 4 gifts a year. Usually wrapped in the brown bags. But Christmas had some fancy offerings!

I received this star plus many other quilt related items. Stars are one of my favorite things....it is now on my wall in my living room.

Two other gals who give so much to make our chapter successful. Sherry and her sister Sandy leading several games. 'Quilt Trivia Challenge' ...'Word Jumble' etc. Of course there were those who did very well with the answers and others who wondered if they were quilters because they could not think of the answers.
Sherry opened with a wonderful story about 'Christmas Love' . Children had letters and as the story was read they were to flip their letters to spell Christmas Love. One of the children flipped his and had it upside down and did not realize it. The letter he held was M. He had turned it upside down and held it as W....what it spelled was 'Christwas Love'.


Diligently working on the games!

Working hard at answers.


Show 'n Tell
Margo strippy quilt to be given to a little boy.

This is the back of strippy quilt. I like this better than the front.

Koleen's beautiful applique quilt. Stunning!!

Koleen on the right did her own round robin. She was given lots of flannel scraps and this is what she created. Beautiful!

Suanne visited Cambodia this summer and she brought these adorable creations.

A very enjoyable, wonderful day.
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