Wednesday, July 3, 2024

June Finale!

At our last June meeting we had a good showing of our charity quilts for "Bridges to Blessings". The following photos are some of the many quilts our members made for this worthy charity. We used the pattern "The Lady" by Villa Rosa Designs. I've grouped these quilts together and the maker's name is below these photos.


Meliss finished quilting this quilt top that she inherited and is now giving it to charity. The pattern is from Elisa's Backporch 

Sharon W


Sue K

Sandy H

Donna W

Leanne T



Judy R

Andrea holding Meliss's quilt.

Judy L

Kathy B..who said her colors make this the Dunkin' Donuts version

Barbara Anderson gave a short talk about the charity and received our donations.

Sue R made "Cabana" using a jolly bar.

Carol was given this quilt top and finished it herself. 

Jean showed us her quilt from "3 Yard Quilts". 

Susan made this vibrant quilt using Moda's "Half Step" pattern for her niece. 

Diane showed us a quilt made by a friend. Rail Fence in bold colors. 

Susan H made a  lovely bright blue quilt for charity, too. 

Sue H showed us this very pretty quilt called "Kissy Kissy" by Mary Jeanine Ibarguen. She called it a fun scrap busting quilt. 

Sue made matching pillowcases to go with "Kissy Kissy". These are a gift for her niece's wedding in Scotland. 

Another pillowcase from Susan. Matching pillowcases certainly make a gift quilt extra special. 

Another "Half Step" quilt by Susan H. 

A very pretty little "Slice Rug" by Carol T. 

Carol bought this panel at our auction. She framed the panel with watery fabric and a loon print. 

Sue R said she made her spool quilt for a specific spot on her sewing room. And who wouldn't be inspired to sew when looking at this quilt? Pattern by Lori Holt. 

Donna M. made "Sea Escape" by Jean Boyd. Can you tell that Donna loves these blues?

Diane stitched up a dinosaur panel for her son's birthday. He is in his 50s and Diane said he is never too old for a dinosaur quilt. So true! 

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