Cooling off at Donna M's camp with our sunbonnets on and ready for a dip in the lake (or not)! We have been lucky to have Donna host our summer get togethers for several years. We are at a beautiful lake surrounded by hills and lakes. With temps in the mid-90s for several weeks now, it was so good to visit with friends, share delicious food and get caught up with all the latest doings. In no time at all it will be Maine Quilts and then we will be looking forward to our first meeting in September, but let's enjoy the summer for now. Who are these characters, you ask? Front row L to R Betsy and Beth. Back row Ann W., Meliss, Andrea, and Donna W.

Sharon R. shows us her "Summer" banner while Judy L. looks on. The banner was part of a challenge many of us participated in a few years ago. The challenge was to portray one of the four seasons in a banner. Sure looks like Summer to me!
Ann W. finished a quilt top donated to Tacoma. A lovely little quilt that is going to charity. Those greens really match the surroundings, don't they? The pattern is a traditional rail fence.
Ann W. with Donna M. looking on. Ann made a Mariner's Compass for the Maine Quilt Show 2024. She is going to add a border to make it meet the size requirements for this challenge. Looks so beautiful right now and I know she will come up with a super border, too. The pattern is Scrap Happy Mariner's Compass by Kathy Beeson. This is a 64 point, 24 inch Mariner's Compass. Perfection!
Donna M. has good reason to smile with this modern quilt top. The pattern is Pick Up Sticks by Wendy Shepard. The pretty teal fabric is called Island Breeze which Donna showed us previously in a Coconut Chip quilt.
Leanne is entering her Mariner's Compass in the Maine Quilts show this year, too. Leanne did not paper piece this one, amazing! . Anne T. looks on. Such a pretty quilt.
Leanne's next quilt top comes from an "Upta Camp" challenge that she participated in. Different people gave Leanne these blocks. Lots of variations on the images. The blues and greens are set off nicely with the red sashing. Leanne did a good job accommodating all the different size blocks, always a challenge with multiple people sewing blocks.
Until next time, keep those sewing machines in good working order for the coming fall and winter seasons. "My machine is in the shop" is a great excuse to lounge around and read a book or snooze!