Monday, June 26, 2023

And it's a wrap, folks

 Our last official meeting of the 2022-2023 season. Tacoma show and tell started off with saying good bye to Janet who is moving out of state. She brought along a good sized stash to sell off. There were many who gladly parted with their money to add some interesting fabrics to their own stashes. 

Janet had several quilts that she has made over the years. 

Janet used a rip and tear technique for this little quilt called No More Quilt Police. 

Janet based this on a picture of a 1910 child's quilt that she saw at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Ann used the Nine Wild Blueberries pattern for this beautiful wall hanging. The pattern is by Christy Andrews. Ann purchased the pattern at Bolt during our quilt caravan trip. 

Ann is member of Maine Machine Quilting, too. She made this Welsh inspired mini for a Green with Envy challenge. 

Jean made this very pretty quilt for a baby shower. Love the pink and green! The pattern is called "Playful" by Cluck Cluck Sew. 

Kate showed us some quilts she was working on over the winter months. Asian fabrics look glorious in this quilt. 

And Kate was inspired by a Pinterest post to make this one she calls "African Queens". Not only is the fabric so interesting, there are bead earrings that bounce and glow. 

Leann used the traditional Storm at Sea block as the centerpiece for her quilt. Again, you can't go wrong with pink and green.

"Dinner and Dessert" is what Leann calls this cute quilt. She used fabrics from the 2023 Shop Hop.

Leann really outdid herself with this one! "Prima Ballerina" is a pattern from Pride and Joy. She used a font from Electric Quilt for the letters. Leann is entering her quilt in the judged category at Maine Quilts this year. Look for it and vote for it in Best of Show!

Elly used a Bonnie Hunter pattern called "Jamestown Landing for her blue and orange creation. Lots of string piecing that Elly found tedious but  she kept at it with a great results.

Judy made her strip tube blocks for a charity quilt. Elly machine quilted it for her. Someone will feel very fortunate to receive this gift.

I made this mini quilt after seeing photo of a very old quilt online. I'm going to put this quilt in the Maine Quilts auction to benefit C.R.O.W.N.S., which is the charity for the show and has also been our Tacoma charity this past year. Bid high and bid often!

I bought the Nine Wild Blueberries pattern at Bolt, too! I did not really like the border, although I'm changing my mind after seeing Anne's quilt, so I added a sort of picnic blanket fabric. I'll call my version "Blueberry Picnic". 

That's all for now, have a wonderful summer. See you at the picnic in July!

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