Friday, September 4, 2015

Tacoma - September 2, 2015

Tacoma Lake Quilters of Litchfield held their first meeting of 2015-16. A New Year...A New Slate of officers....A new Agenda....New members.. We have a packed schedule of projects that lends itself to all level of quilters this calendar year. We welcome new members...if you have mornings free on Wednesday ...come and join us...we love to have you and you will be inspired.

Each month there are a group of ladies who set up...bring goodies...and clean up. This was our first spread. I happened to catch Helen....always a variety and delicious. 
 This was a workshop at the Maine Quilt Show. Kathy B. used a picture and transfer to create. 
 Another class by Kathy B using several different stitches.
 Margo took a class with Freida Anderson - 'Field of Poppies; 
using hand dyed fabrics.
 Margo 'Music in the Air' using poppers and the binding was pieced using all the music fabrics in the quilt. 
Made for a brother-in-law who plays guitar.
Anne T - re-purposed vest purchased from a thrift store and embellished with vintage embroidered pieces, etc. 
 Front of vest.
 Carole T - Table runner using scraps.
for 4th of July/Memorial Day
 Donna W - 'Lone star Quilt' using summer colors.
 Donna W - 'A Little bit Modern'
from Quilt magazine
 Kat - Raffle Quilt to be hung in the Litchfield Fair this month.
When she makes these she experiments with different techniques. She used scraps ....quilt-as-you-go technique in quarters....flannel on the back for the 1st time and binding was made from  leftovers and attached by machine with a decorative stitch. Also focus scenes in the squares.
Her own design! Had to be seen up close to be really appreciated. 
 Sandy G - Simple Country Sampler
The Rabbit Factory 
 Sandy G - 'Pinwheel Flurry' by Cathryn Tallman-Evans
using 30's fabrics.
American Patchwork April, 2005
 Donna M - Pillow with a book.
The book speaks of what to use for fabric. 
'Blueberries for Sal' book
Donna M - 'Five little Ghosts'  
Donna M - 'How many Fish' 
Hope you enjoyed our summer projects...until next time...

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