Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tacoma January 8, 2014

The sun was shining and even though it was a little icy underfoot the Tacoma Quilters of Litchfield were excited to finally get together after many of us had lost powers some up to 10 days.
Coffee always greets us along with goodies and a lot of catching up with little groups of ladies here and there. The first meeting of the month is always our business meeting. We are looking forward to many different projects for 2014.

This next meeting January 15 will be a workshop,
 Zippy Bag and Tote
 Instructors - Barb and Sue R.
zip-it 4  different sizes

The ladies 'Bring and Brag' were varied items that
 brought ooh's and aah's!!!

Barb made this Screen Play bag by Nancy Ota
 Barb with a different size
 Barb with her crochet hat.
 These are 'bag ladies' from Whistle Creek Prod.
A holder for recycled plastic bags.
Barb made these to match aprons/pot holders that she 
made for Christmas of the same fabric.
This was her favorite for her chef grandson. 
 Jan, a new member, shared this UFO that 
she is determined to finish.
She was not sure what she was going to 
do with it. Some suggested it would make a cute purse.
'Scrapbasket Surprise' in red/black by Kim Brackett
Done by Kathy B. for Linus
 Scrap quilt by Kathy B
Going to Linus
Kathy B a small 'American Doll Quilt' 
 Judy L. - a table mat a gift from Betty L.
Judy L. was asked to finish this quilt by a woman
 as a gift for her son.
A beautiful Vintage 1930's .
 All the stars are button hole stitched.
 Koleen finished this UFO. 'Gingerbread Quilt' 
She received as a Christmas gift exchange a few
years ago. 
A close-up - all embroidered.
another close-up
Judy R received this as a gift. It is a recycled
bag that held wild bird food. A unique idea
from bags of bulk items. It is
a heavy plastic and very durable. 
 Sandy H, another new member with
a quilt named 'Candy Cane' by Eleanor Burns.
Hope you enjoyed all the beautiful work? Because Jan. 1 fell on  Wednesday and delayed our meeting until the 8th. We will be meeting this coming week on the 15th our regular day.
So until...... 

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