This is the second posting for our November 20 meeting.
The first posting is our Quilts of Valor trunk show.
This is our Bring 'n Brag at Tacoma Litchfield Quilters meeting.
We have a mini-raffle each meeting. This is very popular!
Different people each month provide varied items. This month Pauline won ...she chose the basket with home made canned veggies and pumpkins ++
2nd winner was Sandy K. who got this unique basket of flowers/candies.
Margo made this baby quilt as a gift for an acquaintance.
Janet - Orphan blocks used for a baby quilt.
Janet - orphan blocks from our recent auction. She created this
baby quilt with this paisley border.
Janet - Christmas Bargello - she will be teaching this. We call her the 'queen of Bargello'" She has done so many and always unique.
Janet - Christmas quilt - Trip around the World Bargello
Pauline 'Autumn Mini's' (Below)
The Paisley Cottage Pattern #1205 Each one 6 1/2" x 7 1/2"
Sue C - "A year in a Snap'. This is a class she is taking based on a 12 month designs. You make the background and the center is attached with large snaps. Book following
This is the book of project above....I have mine ordered. I just really like the concept.
Sally C - she is our newest member. She shared the Christmas presents she is making. Shhhh....
I-Pad Carrying Case in wonderful colors.
Sally C - Pillow cases to match the Bargello she made.
Sue C. - This is her second quilt and just gorgeous!!!!
Twist and Turn Bargello
This is the book above quilt was taken from.

Helen - She shares another of her mats she has been making.
Really cute using a focus center of pumpkins.
Helen made this for an older lady. Penny Sturgis bag. Always popular!
Janice C - neat bag.
Janice with another Christmas runner.
Janice C - Sadie's Stash by 'Quilts and More.' 2008.
Another beautiful parade of much talent.
Trust you enjoyed as we shared B 'n B. until.......