Sunday, February 23, 2025

Icebergs in Litchfield?

 Icebergs? Yes, indeed there are icebergs in Maine, quilted icebergs, that is. ! We are using the Villa Rosa pattern called "Iceberg" for our charity quilts this year. Our charity quilts will go to Project Linus and there were plenty at our latest Tacoma Show and Tell.

A green Iceberg from Meliss. Green, the color of spring when the snow and ice melt.

Carol's Iceberg in bright pink and yellow. 

Leanne with a turquoise multicolored Iceberg. 

Sue R made what she called a plain and simple quilt from the 3 yard quilt books from Fabric Cafe. 

Sue R was inspired by "Phoebe" from Kitchen Table Quilting  by Erica Jackman for this quilt.

Sue R used many low volume fabrics from our old friend Koleen for this scrappy string quilt. Many of us had to see this one up close to admire all those lovely fabrics. Such a captivating little quilt!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Is it Spring yet?


Donna M showed us her quilt-as-you-go (QAYG) sewing machine cover. The pattern is from June Tailor. Donna used Dragonfly Dance fabric for this pretty sewing room accessory. 

Diane showed us the first hexi quilt she ever made back in October. She wasn't quite satisfied with that one so she made another. I like how she filled the border with a wandering vine, so appropriate for Grandmother's Flower Garden. Awesome!

Leanne said she calls this quilt " Twist Decadence". Lots of oos and ahhs for this glittery quilt! Paper pieced. 

Kat told us she made this stunning Quilt of Valor quilt with Gem Stars and scraps given to her. Looks like she had fun arranging all the blocks. I'm sure someone will be happy to receive this quilt. 

Kat made this quilt at a workshop led by Ann Woodhead. The pattern is a Villa Rosa design called Iceberg. 

Brenda M also made an Iceberg quilt. So many beautiful fabrics, from a jelly roll. 

Brenda used a gnome panel to make many of these gnome blocks. So cute!

Brenda made this red quilt 5 years ago. Looks like a rail fence design, simple but so effective. Kathy B quilted it for her. 

I (Beth) did a demo for QAYG placemats. Three different styles, all quite simple and a fun way to put your scraps to good use.