We held our first business meeting of 2019-2020 with 38 members present. We had 3 new members join us. It was great to see everyone and I heard so many say, "it was a busy summer" ...camp time, family time, canning time.. trips etc. You can now feel 'Fall' in the air and it will soon be those days that 'home' calls us because of the winter storms and we can hibernate and quilt to our hearts content. BUT!!! we have a few more weeks.
Our first Workshop with Betty Lam making 'the Plaid-ish quilt' 64x82. You can see a picture of it below. We are gathering our material...she says, "you do not have to think about it. Just pick lights ...darks and medium fabrics that are distinct." Sound easy?..I am smiling...Yes, for some but not all.
We have lots of projects planned for the new year and will be sharing them from month to month.
We will be taking a bus trip within the State, the Down East area as we call it to several small shops and also stopping for lunch in Bar Harbor at Geddy's. Excitement in the air. Trips are always fun!
Betty Lam - "Plaid-ish"
Our next Workshop (2 Pictured)
Brenda P and
Sew Steady Rulers -Westalee
Table Runners
Barb L
"Fractured Paint Box" by Quiet Waves

Kathy B - Mini Quilt 5" squares
Kathy B - Mini Quilt
Small quilt on Pinterest
Janet C
Jewelry she made..wearing and in
the basket. Very pretty!
Beth F - Book she made quilt from
WW II Women
Beth F "Beacon of Hope"
design by Barbara Adams and Alma Allen
Ellie - Mandala ice dying block (2)
Sandi H - Pineapple Table Mat
Westerly Ruler by Adele Scott
Sandi H - Mexican Star Block
with Eleanor Burns instructor
Laura B and Linda
Scrappy rectangles Quilts (3)
Making for Meals on Wheels
Carol T - Back of quilt and Bear panels
Donna M - 'Twister Waves'
Table Runner using a panel. (2)
This is a picture of a 'Make and Take' that we will be doing in an upcoming meeting.