We met this lovely Spring day with a chill in the air outside but a warmth on the inside.
A short business meeting -
Final count of bibs for charity - Over 160
We discussed our annual bus trip and decided to do instate this year.
Also plans are underway for our raffle quilt for show in 2020.
We also collect each month for 'Food for Thought' given to our local schools for backpack program.
Many have finished "Yankee Puzzle" charity quilts. Take notice of the variety.
Betty L - Bowl covers
Judy R - Round Robin made at Backroad Quilters.
Sue R - 'Yankee Puzzle'
Sally C - 'Yankee Puzzle"
Sally C - Penny Sturgis bags
A workshop we had
Sally C - Sit 'n Stitch Pincushin
by Cindy Gates
Liz B - "Loon Quilt"
Loons are embroidered
Liz B - "Yankee Puzzle" 
Liz B - "Blue Embroidered'
by King's Treasure
Nancy Bishop - Ryan McKenna Work
Nancy B - "Evergreen Valley"
Bear Hanging - Ryan McKenna
She used digitalized fabric
Sharon R - "Tiramisu Quilt"
Matching pillow cases
Sharon R - Blackbird Wallhanging
Sharon R - Penny Sturgis bag
Sue C - Penny Sturgis Bags
Sue C - "Just 5 Quilt"
Sue C- Koffee Kup Organizer
Sue C - Star - paper piecing
Carol T - Baby Quilt panel
Carol T - Bear Panel
Minke lux blanket
These are the rage...women are buying them at $229 a piece according to Janice who shared this with us.
Front and back so soft and cuddly.
Donna M - Matching baby quilt-
Pillow-drawstring bag
Workshop with Nancy B. working with Angelina fibers and steam-a-seam.
Barbara demo - Easy Peasy Catchall
Until next time............