Wednesday beginning around 8:00 am approximately 28 women laden with bags, boxes, bins and armfuls of 'stuff' filled multiple tables. We were determined to clean out and get rid of some of our items. Many of us determined that the 'stuff' would not come back home with us and also we would stay until it was all gone. At approximately 9 am we had our coffee and goodies in hand and our very skilled auctioneer Barb(pictured below with a sign AUCTIONEER on her hat began selling the treasures that we would bid and buy. 2 hours later 'everything' was gone and the club had gained approximately $940.00. Amazing!!!! We agreed it was successful beyond our expectations!!
Barb, Auctioneer and Sherry and Sandy who capable organized and coordinated the day.
Below are tables pictured of our stuff!
We also had helpers who put together and took items to those who purchased.
Sue B, Jona and Suanne

Sue B, Jona and Suanne