Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tacoma - March 21, 2018

It is National Quilting Month and we decided to have a charity sew. We also took a picture of our Raffle Quilt that was made by Koleen Painchaud who passed away a few months ago and donated it to the chapter. Included is a picture of the wonderful spacious room we get to meet in.

We do not have show 'n tell when we do a workshop but will have some finished project next time.....

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tacoma Business March 7, 2018

Tacoma met for our business meeting and today's program using a Go Cutter ... cutting scraps for next month's Charity Sew. Today was the day before the big storm forecast for Maine. We were thankful we did not have to cancel 'again'.
The president determined to keep the business meeting under an hour ...she conquered it....'59 mins'....Yes!!! And much was accomplished!

A busy group with various projects.
- Collecting warm clothing for the Warming Center! in Augusta. (an ongoing project)
- Charity Quilts for NICI ....also ongoing.
- We have a BOM and in June a workshop to put them together.
- Mini raffle each month is very popular. Items donated by members.
- FFT (food for thought) - supporting Gardiner and Litchfield backpack programs.

- Preparations for our Fall quilt show are underway. Our theme is "Scraps on Parade" . The show is at the Carrie Ricker School, October 13-14. Set the dates aside and come join us. 

Our Show 'n Tell - features our stack 'n whack quilts taught by Barbara Accord last meeting plus other projects.

Sally and Sue C used the same material for the Stack 'n Whack blocks
but used different background material. 
The next 3 pictures will show you how different your 
background can change the look. Amazing.
 Sue C
 This will give you a different perspective. 
 Sharon R - Stack 'n Whack
 Sue K - Stack 'n Whack
 How amazing each distinctive!
Helen - UFO Stack 'n Whack that she finished
from a few years ago. Great look!

Brenda P - Mariners Compass
Robin Ruth
 Andrea decided she needed a new apron.
Her old one was worn out...cute!
Doesn't she look like she is ready to head to the kitchen to bake?
 Helen - Rail Fence
 Kat - 'Tranquility Place' BOM
Whipper Snappers 
Sue R - "Cupcake" quilt...her design

 Pauline S - these are her BOM

Charity Project for Maine Veterans Home
130+ Foley bags were delivered to them.

Until next time....